Friday, 1 December 2006

Buying Property Off Plan in Gambia

Buying off plan property has become quite popular with many buying property in the Gambia recently, and for good reason. Off plan property purchases often yield large returns on investment in a relatively short time, often without the need for huge sums of money up front.
Although the benefits of buying off plan are many, as with all high return investments there are dangers to avoid. Forward planning and a careful approach are very important when considering such a venture, but with the right knowledge there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to avoid such pitfalls more on Buying Off Plan Property Investments

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The challenge most off plan property professionals and property investor face when trying to market, sell, or buy property investment and rental income property begins with the seller's state of mind. Is the seller motivated to sell?

Unless the seller is motivated, the seller will typically insist on a price that is too high compared to the sales of similar property in the area, and as a result will generally ignore any advice that a real estate agent gives about the property's fair market value--thus nullifying the agent's influence on the seller altogether.